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Rules of Etiquette

Anyone researching the topic of politeness, decorum, manners, etiquette, etc. will quickly come across various Internet sites. In addition, new “etiquette guides” are constantly appearing on the book market. This indicates a need.

If you take a closer look at the rules and regulations, the variety and diversity seem almost unmanageable. Modern or conservative, related to everyday life or social occasions, for the gentleman, the lady or the offspring. Different from country to country. We quickly realize that a handful of rules cannot cover all situations in life.

In the following Dailys on the subject of “etiquette” we therefore present you with exemplary situations. Whether it is a confident demeanor, small talk, dealing with the elderly, with children, or with people in mourning - we would like to think about these situations together and give you a few good tips to take with you.

The topic is highly based on the German Adolf Freiherr Knigge and his findings, therefore, on some occasions, it is based on a German or West European perspective.