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Classical Music - Basics

Mozart, Vivaldi, Beethoven. Orchestra, opera, ballet. Violins, piano and clarinets - When we think of classical music, many keywords come to mind, and perhaps numerous familiar melodies. But the field of classical music is a wide one, because it generally refers to the entire tradition of European art music.

Thus, in addition to well-known composers, you may often encounter technical terms or be at a loss as to styles and eras. In this topic we offer you an introduction to important terms of classical music. We explain what a fugue or a sonata is or why tempo and dynamics are important for a piece of music.

We will also introduce you to some outstanding composers and works and put them in chronological order for you.

Like all Basics topics, this is an introductory topic where classical music fans can refresh their knowledge and everyone else can build up basic knowledge.

We hope you enjoy our music Dailys and are curious about an exciting topic.