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Energy Saving - Tips & Tricks

Sustainability, environmental awareness, ecological footprint - buzzwords that you can hear almost everywhere today.

Conserving the planet and its resources is not just a task for governments or large corporations, but can also be tackled with small steps, because saving energy in everyday life, for example, is not as difficult as you might think.

Our practical tips will help you make your everyday life more energy-efficient, for example when washing clothes, ventilating or charging your battery-powered devices. With a few simple tricks, you can not only save electricity and protect the environment but also save some money.

If you're wondering why some Dailys don't seem to have anything to do with electricity and energy at first glance, such as shopping in a second-hand store or separating waste, our tricks also help you save indirect energy, i.e. energy that is consumed in the production of goods.

So we warmly encourage you to try out our tips and save energy in many ways in the process.