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Some Good News

A glance at the smartphone or the newspaper is often enough to create the feeling that everything in the world is getting worse all the time. But is that really true?

In fact, a lot of good things are happening on our planet, and that's why we've just put together some really good news for you so that, in addition to the often depressing headlines, you can also experience something positive every day and start the day with a little hope and maybe even a smile.

Did you know, for example, that there are gray seals in the Baltic Sea again, or that a way has been found to turn desert soil into fertile farmland? That child poverty is decreasing worldwide or what Morgan Freeman is doing on the side?

Many figures are still too low or too high, but the mostly very clear improvements show what is possible and that by no means “everything was better in the past“. In many ways, we are on the right track for a variety of reasons.

So let yourself be inspired by our good news and rejoice with us that our world has so many great things to offer and that we can continue to improve it bit by bit.