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Climate & Weather - Fascinating Facts

Climate and especially climate change are buzzwords that we hear in the news almost every day. The term climate describes the average state of the atmosphere in a certain region over a longer period of time. Climate is characterized by statistical properties of the atmosphere, such as frequencies, averages, persistence and extremes of meteorological variables.

We will inform you about some fascinating weather records as well as provide some interesting facts about different climate phenomena. From the heaviest hailstone to the coldest place on earth, we will take you on an exciting journey of discovery through the world of climate.

Here, we have a mix of knowledge facts & amazing statistics, so in that sense it's more like (fascinating) facts. :)

As always, let yourself be inspired, learn something new with our knowledge morsels bit by bit and day by day - or simply refresh your knowledge. We are happy with you about every "Aha!" :)