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Home Improvement - Tips & Tricks

Attaching a picture, painting a wall, repairing broken tools - many small DIY tasks and repairs can be done by inexperienced people with a little courage.

In our topic we provide you with a few simple tricks that will make many home improvement tasks easier and less risky. If you are one of those people who were born with ten thumbs, there's nothing we can do about that, but for everyone else, this topic could be very helpful, because minor repairs are necessary in every household.

The following applies to all work: Always work with caution and pay attention to safety so that all fingers are still attached in the end.

But please note: We ask for your understanding that we do not assume any liability for these tips and that their execution and application is your own responsibility. We have the best intentions and so far we have not received any information about negative consequences, but we cannot completely exclude them.

As always, please remain sensible and take responsibility for your own actions.

We hope that even without assuming liability there are numerous tips & tricks for you to try out. We wish you a lot of fun and, above all, a lot of success.